Hello, January

As I walked in the rain this early morning, I paused, looked about appreciatively at the gray skies, raised my face to the cool breeze. Everything was fresh and clean.  And as so often happens, with each step my mind held to the places I still long to see- Japan, France.

Immediately, within my mind I saw the places of my reading; how sadly the pragmatic in me pushed against my dominant romantic self, reminding that things are not as they once were.

And yet, I  wonder.

When I visit these places – because you see, I am sure I will -will I find the glimmer of times past, old ideals lingering there?

Often these days I look about filled with disdain and long to seclude myself and wander alone, hold tight to my peace and appreciation  of what beauty in the world remains.

I know that just as places must change, so too must the people. We are not the same as we were 10, 30 years ago. Individuals have changed; society has changed.

While I know this, my romantic heart longs for truth in man, loyalty -the soul which holds tightly to ideals of family and home. But, I am afraid these things are like spent leaves of last season, clinging to the relenting branch.

Yet, I must believe we can take heart, thank God that the time will come again -the seasons will change and the green of youth, the unfurling of the bud and leaf, admirable  ideals -all will be reborn and flourish again.

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